Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thing 17 - Wiki Experience

I enjoyed making my own wiki and will probably keep it up. For those of you who are going to have Office 2007 thrust upon you in the near future it may help with the transition: http://technicallyspeaking.wikispaces.com/

The difference between a wiki and a blog is the fact that a blog is more like a daily diary. A blog is usually maintained by one person and is full of random thoughts, lots of postings, and is constantly changing. People can post comments to your blog but can't change the content of it unless you have given them your password.

A wiki on the other hand is a work in progress. Several people collaborating on a subject or idea. Anyone can make corrections or additions to the wiki for the good of the project.


Karen said...

You've completed Thing 17? Yikes. I'm feeling a little peer pressure.

Sue said...

Don't...I make myself ill sometimes because I'm like this. I can't stand a 'to do' list with things on it.