Saturday, February 7, 2009

Private or Not Private, That is the Question...

Did you know according to there are approximately 900,000 new blog entries every 24 hours? Amazing isn't it?

What I found disturbing is the fact that 2/3 of bloggers do not feel it is important to keep their identity private. Only 1/3 feel their privacy is important. I am constantly harping on my kids to keep their MySpace/FaceBook private. It alarms me that employers are checking these blogs for information on potential hires. Sadly, even though my kids have heeded my warning and keep those items set to 'private' it doesn't mean their friends can't post pictures on their blogs that show my kids in an unfavorable light.

I feel that blogs should be private. What I post here should be between myself and whomever I invite to see it. How do you feel?


Anonymous said...

Oh Sue, I see we have a difference of opinion already. I think that privacy settings for a blog depend on its purpose. For me writing my Squirrelly View Blog is all about sharing thoughts and resources with other educators. I have gained much from our ed tech colleagues just be sharing information. One post even got me recognized on the Michigan Discovery Educators Website.

In general, I've found that if you are willing to share yourself on the web, you'll get back a lot more. I look forward to this ongoing discussion. You might what to try Twitter and follow the sharing going on there. It might give you a different view of this whole issue.

Sign me, kchichester

Sue said...

Okay, I stand corrected, you're right Karen, sites that share information but not PERSONAL information are great. Where would we be without picking the brains of others who are more knowledgeable than we are? I guess I should have been more specific, I mentioned FaceBook and MySpace and those are the types of blogs that I feel should remain private. No one needs to know such personal information unless they are invited into the space.

Jim Dornberg said...

Just look at Michael Phelps. Anyone with a cell phone camera can take a picture of you during your most private moments, or even in a public place or party, and post it on blog for the world to see! Scary!!

One thing to teach your kids is how to set up a Google Alert with their name. That way, if there name shows up on someone's blog they can check it out immediately. It's one of the "things" we'll be doing later in the RSS section.

Sue said...

Thanks! I'll send them a note and let them know that they can do that. Truth is, they probably already know, it's me who's clueless. :-)


Mimi Ehlen said...

I had a senior student who lost a job right after she was hired because she went home and immediately posted to her MySpace site that she thought the pay was "crappy." Why do seemingly intelligent people lose all common sense when it comes to blogs? It's not as if there haven't been tons of warnings! My daughter is almost 12 and will be getting into this all too soon (some of her friends already are). We have to educate ourselves, our children and our students that what we put on the internet does not exist in a bubble!

Amy said...

I got a taste of this medicine over the summer with my fiance's teenage sister that stayed with us for over a month while their dad was in the hospital. I went from no kids to a teenager (talk about rough), anyway, she had a friend that took a picture of her in her revealing bikini and then posted it on Myspace. She thought it was "cool" I thought otherwise.

Needless to say, her parents agreed with me and talked to the other girls parents to take it off or to private the page.

I totally agree in privatizing a page. There are too many "stalkers" and its too easy to get information about someone.

I know there are many different security measures in place, but we here about security breaches and virus' all the time. It is very scary to have any personal info out there.

Jim Dornberg said...

Either today's students are way too naive, or way too brazen! Many are lacking in what we old fuddy-duddies would call COMMON SENSE, or maybe even MORALS or a sense of decency.